

resources to learn more

To learn more about using social media for public health emergency response, more information can be found in the links below.

A. Training

  • FEMA Virtual Instructor Led Social Media Platforms in Disaster Management - WBT (PER-304-W), performance-level course is designed for individuals in the public and private sectors who are responsible for gathering and disseminating disaster-related information and who would like to increase their knowledge and understanding about social media and its uses during crisis communication to support organizational preparedness, response and recovery efforts. 
  • FEMA Virtual or In Person Instructor Led Social Media Engagement Strategies (PER-343),performance-level course is designed to provide participants with knowledge and skills using social media tools to engage individuals and volunteer organizations for assistance during an emergency. Participants will learn about social media engagement techniques, individual and organizational roles in crisis communication, and Virtual Operations Support Teams (VOST). 
  • FEMA Virtual or In Person Instructor Led Social Media Tools and Techniques (PER-344), performance-level course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to use social media tools and techniques for intermediate-level messaging, strategy, and increased situational awareness. 
  • FEMA online Independent Study course, IS-42: Social Media in Emergency Management , containing information and resources that will aid in building your social media strategy.

B. Articles and Reports

NOTE: An updated list of publications can be found on the First Responders Group publication page.